Oracle Exadata Startup Shutdown Tips
Shutdown and Startup Exadata
Shutdown steps
1.Shutdown database(s)
$ srvctl stop database -d DB_NAME
2.Stop Cluster Resources(Grid Infrastructure)
$ crsctl stop cluster -all
Or stop CRS on each database server node
$ crsctl stop crs
3.Shutdown all Cell Servers
$ dcli -g cell_group -l root "su - celladmin -c \"cellcli -e alter cell shutdown services all \""
Or shutdown each cell server one by one
$ service celld status
$ service celld stop
4.Shutdown database cell server
$ dcli -g cell_group -l root poweroff
Or shutdown each one by one
$ shutdown -h -y now
1.startup cell servers from Database server using the following command.
for host in `cat cell_group`; do
echo ${host}: `ipmitool -H ${host}-ilom -U root -P Welcome1 chassis power on`
You can also startup exadata by using ILOM.
$ dcli -g cell_group -l root 'hostname; uptime'
$ dcli -g cell_group -l root "su - celladmin -c \"cellcli -e list cell detail \""
2.Check DB&Cluster
$ crsctl status res -t
$ ps -ef | grep smon
3.Start Cluster
crsctl start cluster -all
4.Start DB
$ srvctl start database -d DB_NAME
Have a good work&life! 2020/09 via LinHong