Oracle AWR Exadata Alert Tips
There is Critial alert in AWR report like the following.
The awr is from the RAC 12.1 and the Exadata is below spec.
Exadata Storage Server Model/Oracle Corporation ORACLE SERVER X6-2L High Capacity
We found that the following statistics are none in Instance Activity Stats
cell flash cache read hits
cell flash cache read hists for controlfile reads
It seems that there is some problem with Flash card in Storage servers.
Usually, we use sundiag tool to confirm the hardware’s issues.
Sundiag tools
Sample with sundiag’s execution.
[root@exacell01 oracle.SupportTools]# sh
Oracle Exadata Database Machine - Diagnostics Collection Tool
Gathering Linux information
Skipping ILOM collection. Use the ilom or snapshot options, or login to ILOM
over the network and run Snapshot separately if necessary.
Generating diagnostics tarball and removing temp directory
Done. The report files are bzip2 compressed in /tmp/sundiag_exacell01_1338NML05G_2020_09_03_16_03.tar.bz2
每个Exadata的数据库服务器和存储服务器节点都安装了sundiag.sh脚本, 在/opt/oracle.SupportTools 路径下;
因为是Exadata初始软件包(image)里所包含的,所以如果image版本比较旧, 可以到文档 761868.1去下载最新版本的sundiag.sh脚本。
当Exadata 存储服务器 (Exadata Storage Servers) 或数据库节点 (Db nodes)出现磁盘故障或一些其他硬件问题时,我们就使用Sundiag 去收集相关的诊断信息。
#cd /opt/oracle.SupportTools/
12_1 2016-09-02T00:38:57+08:00 critical "Data hard disk failed. Status : NOT PRESENT Manufacturer : HGST Model Number : H101212SESUN1.2T Size : 1.2TB Serial Number : 1419DLRADF Firmware : A690 Slot Number : 6 Cell Disk : CD_06_exa02cel02 Grid Disk : DATA1_CD_06_exa02cel02, DBFS_DG_CD_06_exa02cel02, RECO1_CD_06_exa02cel02"
20_1 2016-09-18T02:22:43+00:00 critical "Hard disk status changed to predictive failure. Status : PREDICTIVE FAILURE Manufacturer : SEAGATE Model Number : ST32000SSSUN2.0T Size : 2.0TB Serial Number : L1A2B3 Firmware : 0514 Slot Number : 11 Cell Disk : CD_11_exd1cel01 Grid Disk DATA_EXD1_CD_11_exd1cel01, RECO_EXD1_CD_11_exd1cel01, DBFS_DG_CD_11_exd1cel01"
20:2 L5YH9W warning <<<
Slot 02 Device 17 (SEAGATE ST32000SSSUN2.0T061A1120L5YH9W ) status is: Unconfigured(bad)
在您提交SR时, 请务必把有问题server的sundiag报告也上传到SR中,这样我们收到SR后就可以尽快分析,并且根据disk是否需要更换来尽快安排工程师去现场。所以只提供disk亮灯的照片对我们support解决问题的帮助是不大的。
Sundiag报告里还有操作系统日志, image的版本, cell的alert日志,ms的日志,系统的一些配置信息等等。因为日志很多,在此就不一一列举了。
Have a good work&life! 2020/09 via LinHong