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[原创]DB2 简单入门系列-1.安装




You can download the DB2 Server trial version or purchase the product license from

There are two separate DB2 servers available for downloading, depending upon the size of operating system, on which it is intended to execute.

For example, if you want to download a DB2 server for 32bit Linux or UNIX operating system, then you need to download a 32 bit DB2 server. The same applies for 64bit DB2 server.

Hardware requirements

Processor : Minimum Core 2Duo

Ram : 1GB minimum

Hard disk : 30GB minimum

Software requirements

Before installing the DB2 server, your system needs to get ready with the required software on it. For Linux, you need to install “libstdc++6.0”.

Checking system compatibility

Before installing DB2 Server, you need to verify if your system is compatible with the DB2 server. For confirming the compatibility, you need to call ‘db2prereqcheck’ command on command console.


Verifying DB2 installation

You need to verify the installation of DB2 server for its usefulness. On completing the DB2 Server installation, logout from current user mode and login to “db2inst1” user. In “db2inst1” user environment, you can open terminal and execute the following commands to verify if your db2 product is installed properly or not.

Command Line Processor (CLP)

下一篇 VIM命令图解
