Lin Hong's TECH Blog! 刀不磨要生锈,人不学习要落后 - Thinking ahead



1— layout: post title: “Oracle ADW Swingbench Tips” category: Oracle tags: Oracle ADW Tips —

Oracle ADW Swingbench Tips

Oracle ADW Swingbench Tips

Swingbench Install


Setting up Swingbench for Oracle Autonomous Data Warehousing (ADW)


[oracle@inst01 bin]$ ./tpcdswizard -cf ../ \
>               -cs adwdemo01_high \
>               -ts DATA \
>               -its DATA \
>               -dbap "XXXXXXXXXXXX" \
>               -dba admin \
>               -u tpcds \
>               -p "XXXXXXXXXXXX" \
>               -async_off \
>               -scale 10 \
>               -create \
>               -cl \
> -v
Operation is successfully completed.
Operation is successfully completed.
SwingBench Wizard
Author  :        Dominic Giles
Version :

Running in Lights Out Mode using config file : ../wizardconfigs/tpcdswizard.xml
Connecting to : jdbc:oracle:thin:@adwdemo01_high
Starting run
Starting script ../sql/tpcds_droptables.sql
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 135 millisecond(s)
Starting script ../sql/tpcds_createtables.sql
Script completed in 0 hour(s) 0 minute(s) 0 second(s) 774 millisecond(s)
Inserting data into table STORE_SALES_14402021
Inserting data into table STORE_SALES_2
Inserting data into table CATALOG_SALES_7207741
Inserting data into table CATALOG_SALES_2
Run time 0:03:51 : Running threads (4/4) : Percentage completed : 4.03
Run time 0:05:59 : Running threads (4/4) : Percentage completed : 6.24
Completed processing table CATALOG_SALES_2 in 0:09:31
Inserting data into table WEB_SALES_3596921
Completed processing table CATALOG_SALES_7207741 in 0:10:23
Inserting data into table WEB_SALES_2
Run time 0:11:28 : Running threads (4/4) : Percentage completed : 12.94
Completed processing table STORE_SALES_2 in 0:13:09
Inserting data into table INVENTORY_2450815
Completed processing table WEB_SALES_3596921 in 0:04:59
Inserting data into table INVENTORY_2451725
Completed processing table STORE_SALES_14402021 in 0:14:40
Inserting data into table STORE_RETURNS_120001
Completed processing table WEB_SALES_2 in 0:05:01
Inserting data into table CATALOG_RETURNS_720338
Completed processing table CATALOG_RETURNS_720338 in 0:00:44
Inserting data into table CATALOG_RETURNS_4
Completed processing table STORE_RETURNS_120001 in 0:02:07
Inserting data into table WEB_RETURNS_30000
Completed processing table CATALOG_RETURNS_4 in 0:00:47
Inserting data into table CUSTOMER_50001
Completed processing table CUSTOMER_50001 in 0:00:12
Inserting data into table CUSTOMER_DEMOGRAPHICS_960401
Completed processing table WEB_RETURNS_30000 in 0:00:37
Inserting data into table CUSTOMER_DEMOGRAPHICS_2
Completed processing table CUSTOMER_DEMOGRAPHICS_960401 in 0:00:24
Inserting data into table CUSTOMER_ADDRESS
Completed processing table CUSTOMER_ADDRESS in 0:00:05
Inserting data into table STORE_RETURNS_2
Completed processing table STORE_RETURNS_2 in 0:00:05
Inserting data into table CUSTOMER_2
Completed processing table CUSTOMER_2 in 0:00:02
Inserting data into table ITEM
Completed processing table ITEM in 0:00:02
Inserting data into table DATE_DIM
Completed processing table CUSTOMER_DEMOGRAPHICS_2 in 0:00:24
Inserting data into table WEB_RETURNS_2
Completed processing table WEB_RETURNS_2 in 0:00:02
Inserting data into table CATALOG_PAGE
Completed processing table CATALOG_PAGE in 0:00:00
Inserting data into table TIME_DIM
Inserting data into table HOUSEHOLD_DEMOGRAPHICS
Completed processing table TIME_DIM in 0:00:07centage completed : 68.42
Completed processing table DATE_DIM in 0:00:11
Inserting data into table PROMOTION
Completed processing table PROMOTION in 0:00:00
Inserting data into table WEB_PAGE (4/4) : Percentage completed : 73.97
Completed processing table WEB_PAGE in 0:00:00
Inserting data into table STORE
Completed processing table HOUSEHOLD_DEMOGRAPHICS in 0:00:00
Inserting data into table WEB_SITE
Completed processing table STORE in 0:00:00
Inserting data into table CALL_CENTER
Completed processing table WEB_SITE in 0:00:00
Inserting data into table WAREHOUSE
Completed processing table WAREHOUSE in 0:00:00
Inserting data into table REASON
Completed processing table CALL_CENTER in 0:00:00
Inserting data into table INCOME_BAND
Completed processing table REASON in 0:00:00
Inserting data into table SHIP_MODE
Completed processing table INCOME_BAND in 0:00:00
Completed processing table SHIP_MODE in 0:00:00
Completed processing table INVENTORY_2450815 in 0:07:25
Connection cache closed
Starting script ../sql/tpcds_analyzeschema.sql

Script completed in 0 hour(s) 11 minute(s) 16 second(s) 371 millisecond(s)
Starting script ../sql/tpcds_constraints.sql



Have a good work&life! 2019/05 via LinHong
